올해는 진짜 그 어느때보다 시간이 빨리 지나가는거 같아요...
벌써 60일밖에 안남았네요ㅠㅠ
남은 60일동안 2024년을 잘 마무리해보아요~!
1. I don’t have the slightest clue.
- 전혀 모르겠어요.
- 응용: 누군가 어려운 문제를 물어볼 때
- “I don’t have the slightest clue about quantum physics.”
- “I don’t have the slightest clue about quantum physics.”
2. I’ll take your word for it.
- 네 말을 믿을게.
- 응용: 친구가 음식점이 맛있다고 강력 추천할 때
- “Alright, I’ll take your word for it and try it out.”
- “Alright, I’ll take your word for it and try it out.”
3. I owe you one.
- 이번에 신세 졌어요.
- 응용: 친구가 도와줬을 때
- “Thanks for covering for me. I owe you one.”
- “Thanks for covering for me. I owe you one.”
4. It’s a long shot.
- 가능성은 적지만 시도해 볼 만해요.
- 응용: 새로운 직업에 지원할 때
- “It’s a long shot, but I’ll give it a try.”
- “It’s a long shot, but I’ll give it a try.”
5. It’s not my cup of tea.
- 제 취향이 아니에요.
- 응용: 친구가 스릴러 영화를 보자고 제안할 때
- “Thanks, but horror movies aren’t really my cup of tea.”
- “Thanks, but horror movies aren’t really my cup of tea.”
6. I’m up for it.
- 저 할 마음 있어요.
- 응용: 누군가 주말에 하이킹을 가자고 할 때
- “I’m totally up for it! Sounds fun.”
- “I’m totally up for it! Sounds fun.”
7. That’s the last straw.
- 이제 참을 만큼 참았어.
- 응용: 직장에서 반복적으로 스트레스를 주는 상황에
- “That’s the last straw. I can’t deal with this anymore.”
- “That’s the last straw. I can’t deal with this anymore.”
8. I’m on cloud nine.
- 너무 행복해요.
- 응용: 원하는 대학에 합격했을 때
- “I’m on cloud nine! I can’t believe it!”
- “I’m on cloud nine! I can’t believe it!”
9. I’m at a loss for words.
- 무슨 말을 해야 할지 모르겠어.
- 응용: 멋진 선물을 받았을 때
- “Wow, I’m at a loss for words. This is amazing!”
- “Wow, I’m at a loss for words. This is amazing!”
10. I’ve got a gut feeling.
- 직감이 와요.
- 응용: 무언가 좋은 일이 일어날 것 같은 예감이 들 때
- “I’ve got a gut feeling this is going to work out.”
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