올해 날씨는 정말 알다가도 모르겠네요...
주말에는 따뜻하다가 갑자기 평일되니 싸늘해졌네요
생각해보면 이제 곧 11월인데 이렇게 따뜻했던 날씨가 있나 싶습니다
올해는 수능이 11월 14일이던데 수험생 여러분들 마무리 잘 하시고 화이팅하세요! :)
1. I’ll leave it up to you.
- 네가 결정에 맡길게요.
- 응용: 친구가 저녁 메뉴를 정하려고 할 때
- “I’ll leave it up to you. I’m good with anything.”
- “I’ll leave it up to you. I’m good with anything.”
2. I’m in the same boat.
- 나도 같은 상황이야.
- 응용: 동료가 일이 많아 힘들다고 할 때
- “I’m in the same boat. We’ll get through this together.”
- “I’m in the same boat. We’ll get through this together.”
3. I’m not really into that.
- 그건 별로 안 좋아해요.
- 응용: 누군가가 스포츠 경기에 대해 이야기할 때 관심이 없다면
- “I’m not really into sports, but tell me more about it.”
- “I’m not really into sports, but tell me more about it.”
4. That’s a tough call.
- 어려운 결정이네요.
- 응용: 친구가 직장을 옮길지 말지 고민할 때
- “That’s a tough call. Maybe make a list of pros and cons?”
- “That’s a tough call. Maybe make a list of pros and cons?”
5. Let’s get down to business.
- 본격적으로 시작해보자.
- 응용: 회의 시작 후
- “Alright, everyone’s here. Let’s get down to business.”
- “Alright, everyone’s here. Let’s get down to business.”
6. I don’t want to jinx it.
- 부정타고 싶지 않아, 망치고 싶지 않아.
- 응용: 무언가 잘 진행되고 있지만 확신이 들지 않을 때
- “Everything’s going smoothly, but I don’t want to jinx it.”
- “Everything’s going smoothly, but I don’t want to jinx it.”
7. I’m on the fence.
- 아직 결정 못 했어.
- 응용: 친구가 새 휴대폰을 살 건지 묻는다면
- “I’m on the fence. Not sure if I need it.”
- “I’m on the fence. Not sure if I need it.”
8. You’re cutting it close.
- 시간이 촉박해요.
- 응용: 누군가가 비행기를 타러 공항에 가야 하는데 여유롭게 행동할 때
- “You’re cutting it close. You might want to hurry.”
- “You’re cutting it close. You might want to hurry.”
9. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
- 행운을 빌게요.
- 응용: 친구가 중요한 시험을 앞두고 있을 때
- “Good luck! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.”
- “Good luck! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.”
10. Let’s wrap it up.
- 마무리하자.
- 응용: 회의가 길어질 때
- “We’ve covered everything, so let’s wrap it up.”
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